Last week some of the advertising group proposed the idea of incorporating more advertising in the applications possibly by skinning them. We talked about getting rid of the bottom news ticker to make more room for the ad skin. Kyle and I met to discuss the possibility of doing this. We were both really interested in maybe trying something with this idea. We were having difficulty anyways coming up with a way to make the ticker interactive that would not just be clicking on it and going to a screen with only text.
The ads team also sent us a prototype of their idea for a skin. They had a lot of great ideas, but one of the problems we ran into with it was trying to put an image over the video a little bit because (CS people, correct me if I'm wrong) I think that that's not possible for us to do.
We also met with Amitesh to see if it would be possible to try and add a skin before the next user testing, but with all of the changes to the application and adding the new content we decided this might be pushing it for this update to try and get the skin added in time.
If we don't have time to add the skin, Kyle and I discussed the possibility of making some of the questions we ask the user in testing, "How would you feel if the ticker was gone?" and "Would you mind if there was an advertisment skin in the background of the application?"
Kyle and I also were interested in trying to redesign the TV application to better fit this advertising skin. But since there is a lack of time right now, we thought maybe this could be something we work on on the side while we move into the iPhone content. And then maybe at the end of the semester if there's time we can try and put out one more prototype for the TV. Thoughts?

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