This is the first week that my classmates and I have content due that's going to be published for testing. We've already created evergreen content that can be put on the phone whenever we need it. Now we're down to more timely topics that are going to be completed on deadline.
For the first week I have to complete a graphic about motion capture technology and how the golf team here is using it. I'm going to be working with someone from the Human Performance Lab to find out the particulars about how the technology works. After that I'll be creating a narrative graphic based on how the technology works.
I love technology in all forms so I'm very excited to get the information for this graphic and put it all together. It should be very cool to show users of our iPhone application how motion capture technology is used right here at Ball State. I've seen this same technology used for video games and in other areas, but I never would have imagined it would be used on campus. I'm sure that's the same for most students on campus as well.
It should be interesting to see how people react to the phone application when they're using it every day. I can't wait until all the data is collected so we can see how our work is being consumed and what we did well or might need to change.

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