Trying to come up with a short name for a very complicated project is difficult. If there was only one element to the class, the interactive television or the iPhone application, there would be more options. As it is, the name has to be less specific to cover both bases.
My first thoughts went immediately to news, since it's the central focus of what the class is all about. On that front, I came up with the idea of NewsSource (or NewSource, but I think we need both full words). I also thought about the interactive nature of what we're doing and came up with iNews. I don't like the 'i' prefix because it seems to be taking over the world so that one isn't my favorite. I also came up with YourNews (or URnews, depending on the demographics we're trying to hit with this thing), AnywhereNews and AllNews.
Aside from thinking of new names for the project, I've also been hard at work on mini marathon graphics. I finally got the files from a previous project, only to find out that many of the parts were either missing or extremely small. As a result, I'm in the process of recreating many of the illustrations for the project. It's going to be more work than I thought, but I should have everything done by next week when content is due.
Designing for the interactive television is difficult because of the restrictions on navigation and the large size of the screen. I learned a lot from what I did last semester so I'm trying to apply that to the mini marathon graphics I'm working on now.

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