I was trying to think of a word that would sum up the concepts. Interactive multimedia news on demand wherever you are, when you want it. A word that was short, and I came up with 'GOOGLE'
Aside from that NewsNet, which though is plain it conveys a goo deal of information. As someone who sits with his friends and pokes fun at T.V. commercials and ads, a name will make or break everything. If the product just absorbs people you can have an outrageous or silly name and it wont matter, but if not your name will be how people see you. You don't want to be too technical with the name if you want to grab a wide spread audience.
Other things to consider, the name needs to make the user feel good about using the product. They should feel proud to be using it not ashamed.
Since the name iMedia is being abandon iNews is probably out as well, I also wouldn't use something that would date the product or tie it to a specific class of people like myNews.
Some other possible ideas: NewsSense or SenseNet

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